March 31st, 2016 Bulletin

Happy Thursday Titans!

See full bulletin here: 03-31-2016

In today’s bulletin, look for:
The Quote of the Day by Steve Jobs
Senior Ball Tickets $65/$70 for ASB/No ASB through Friday! You must have completed your Personal Finance Course to purchase your tickets.
Link Crew Applications Available! Due TODAY at 2:30!
AP Environmental Review Sessions starting Monday!
Sierra College Assessment Test Available on Campus until April 7th!
Congrats Speech & Debate!
Send in Senior Slideshow Pictures
Scholarships Available

AP Test Schedule
Titan Store is open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays!
Antelope Learning Lab (ALL) Open Tuesdays-Thursdays
Follow the College & Career Center Blog for Scholarships, Job Postings, and more!

Today’s Highlights:

Sophomores and Juniors, are you interested in having fun, meeting new people, and being kind to freshmen? If so, LINK crew is the place for you! Applications are available online now and are DUE THURSDAY at 2:30! No late applications will be accepted! Go to google classroom and enter class code ZWEEET (three e’s!). The application takes less than 5 minutes! Mrs. Carter will have chrome books available during intervention today and tomorrow in L205 for anyone who wants to apply.

Congrats to Chloe Low and Mitchell Laube for winning the first round of the Optimist’s Club Speech Competition on the first Saturday of Spring Break. They continued to work over the break and competed in the second round of competition as well. For their efforts each Titan earned $75 as they answered the question: “How My Best Brings Out the Best in Others.”
Those students who wish to compete in the National Qualifying Tournament this weekend need to see Parris in L201 immediately after school today or first thing tomorrow morning in order to confirm their eligibility and event.

Review sessions for the AP test have already started! Student-led review sessions are Mondays from 1:45-3pm in the library with Professors Reehal, Phillips, and Glover. Group review sessions with Rodriguez begin next week; Wednesdays at 2:45pm in S101. Make sure to bring your AP Test review book to all review sessions. If you do not have one yet, stop by S101 to get one!

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